Friday, March 18, 2011

Disaster Relief

Tomorrow a print I've created will be on the front page of Etsy's Print section.

It's funny to me how the world has become so small for me.  I'm from a small-ish southern Massachusetts town... somewhere between white and blue collar.  The only people I knew that traveled or were from other places were Portuguese, had family in the Phillappines or the British Isles.
Some of my closest friends and loved ones are from or all over the globe.  From Singapore and Malaysia, to Hong Kong, India, Italy, Hungary and Japan.

I'm fortunate that those I care for affected by the quake and tsunami are all safe, that their loved ones also are safe and far from the disaster.  However it hits close to home.  As any disaster should really when you think about it.  Lives can change in a second.

With that in mind- and as I'm a stereotypically artist of humble financial means... I want to do my part in helping, as I'd hope others would help me and my loved ones.  SO I'm selling prints from a new series I've developed digitally. 
Please visit my Etsy shop for more details. :)
Each print will be $20 + shipping, each signed and numbered and shipped in a sealed water resistant envelope. As stated 75% of the profit goes DIRECT to the RedCross, I only keep what's required to purchase the raw materials.  PLEASE pass this on and spread the word.
More and more artists and crafters are doing this to raise money for others... it's important we all do what we can!

I'm brainstorming right now how to develop an artists non-profit to raise money for disaster relief. A way to join all that wish to help by raising funds via their natural talents: to make something beautiful from something so jarring, horrific and heartbreaking. Keep posted as I'll be updating as things develop.  Also- keep an ear out for "Art+Unity=Artunity".  As the world gets smaller, here's hoping peoples hearts grow larger.

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