Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Beach Therapy

For many years my mother and I have been taking rides down to the beach. Typically one would expect two ladies packing up a car with a cooler, umbrella, beach towels and camping out in the sun for the day in the summer heat- but no. Not us. We're New Englanders- hard core (hahd-coah).

So each fall, spring and winter Mum and I mosey down to the water when we need to "recharge" our internal spiritual batteries. Yeah, sometimes it's cold, sometimes it's downright frosty... but on those occasions we grab cocoa, sit in the car and play scrabble on our apple devices and watch the waves.

It's how Kairn Design got it's name- I got into the habit of building cairns from beach rocks- loaded up with prayers and wishes to be taken to sea when the tide comes in.

Recently I had the joy of taking one of these outings with not just my mom but also my great aunt- it's amazing to see how much in common 3 generations of women have- at 91 she whipped off her shoes and stockings to walk down with us and swish around in the cool water on an unusually warm day. It was memorable and wonderful.

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