Thursday, September 1, 2011


I can't remember if I posted this.... it's been a rather... blustery? week thus far.
We started out with Hurricane Irene (and yes I'm totally illustrating something in her honor) which knocked out studio & home power for 5 days.  Irene-refugee tis me!

It's been interesting, meeting lots of folks while in search of showers, internet and places to charge my apple tech.

Yesterday I sat across from a man that looked like Don Cheadle. Only this guy looked really grouchy while Don happens to be a favored actor that smiles a whole bunch.

Also spotted yesterday:

  • -A nurse that gave up her life to spend 6months a year in Africa helping children find clean drinking water and battle simple illnesses and diseases. She was awesome and all kinds of cheery goodness.
  • -A semi blind man who likes to walk laps in the library just because.
  • -And a lady who had a macbook across from me with the sound ON- so every time she got mail and it *binged!* I feel into pavlov's-mac habit and thought it was mine. hahahaha

Fun facts about losing power and water after a storm:

  • It takes roughly a full gallon of water to flush your loo/bog/potty etc etc. (an you put the water in the tank not the bowl)
  • A LOT of TMI comes out during a storm, people tell you things you really don't need to know.
  • Cold showers are not AS awful as one would think- you actually wake up really fast!
  • When all else fails and you can't find bags of ice- check a Mobile station.
  • Just throw the meat out. Don't try to save it.
  • It's a really good excuse to get new undies- and those Tide portable stain stick things are amazing.
  • The Red Cross Disaster Relief trucks really DO exist.
  • Coffee is your friend, milk kept in a cooler is a friend of a friend you may not want to know better.
  • Iced tea does in fact mold.
  • Ice cream lasts less than 3hours in a downed freezer.
and last but not least-
  • giant boxes of matches rule
  • take out is fantastic
  • it's not such a bad idea to look into building a windmill in ones back yard....

Cheers! And once I'm back up and running 100% I'll be posting regularly, there's much to share!

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