Sunday, September 11, 2011

Today, we remember.


"When boundaries are broken, memory remains."
No one can forget. Invisible lines of basic human dignity are just, understood.... and when they are crossed in a way far beyond imagination and the darkest of dreams.... the world is never the same and innocence is lost.
On the most beautiful of mornings- whether you were commuting, waking up, showering, talking to someone, living in NYC or London... California or Massachusetts... while many lived a nightmare.... the rest of america was glued to their screens, cell phones, radios and landlines. Praying. Shocked. Scared... and everything changed.
And after ten years.... we can never forget.

To the families and friends. To the heroes. To the New Yorkers there that day. To the former symbol of all that makes our country great- and still does just in a different way... may we never forget the horror, the strength, the people and their stories.

Feel Free to share this image on your blogs etc... pass it on (and pls give credit-thnx)


  1. Thanks for sharing this. I had a similar interpretation about the broken boundaries. This day and the images that go with it are so powerful. You did a super job of paying tribute.

  2. This is very powerful, nice tribute.
